What is Generative AI and artificial intelligence How Does it Work with Salesforce

What is Generative AI and How Does it Work with Salesforce?

Generative AI is the more innovative tool that is revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence and its applications in day-to-day life. As per a report by McKinsey and Company, generative AI is estimated to have the potential to add $6.9 to $7.1 trillion to the global economy in the upcoming years by enhancing employee productivity in the workplace.
But, what is generative AI and how can it help your business with Salesforce?
Read this article till the end to know what made Salesforce generative AI takes over the world in the past few years.

What is Generative AI?

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Generative AI is recently making headlines for its evolving potential to transform businesses for good. To know how, you must first know what generative AI is.
To explain the meaning of generative AI in simple terms, you must remember, that this is a part of a broader spectrum of Artificial Intelligence. It is crucial to make computer programs that can create realistic data by following patterns or instances that they have learned before.
The generative AI definition encompasses AI technology’s ability to create all forms of digital content, including texts, audio, media, and animation. Furthermore, it can also create context-oriented content from several forms of input in a text-based and conversational tone.
Thus we can say, based on its accumulated data, generative AI can produce accurate results instantly. It does mimic human conversational style but provides more accurate results leaving less room for human errors and saving time.
You can find several earlier examples of generative AI chatbots like ELIZA in the early 1960s. However, the generative AI chatbots of today are much more advanced than their predecessors in terms of functioning. The initial chatbots had a few shortcomings like contextual understanding and were rule-based. Furthermore, their responses were restricted to certain templates and were limited.
Generative AI today, is like a blank paper and does not rely on set templates. Keep scrolling below to learn how generative AI services work and provide accurate insights thinning the line between humans and AI.

How Does Generative AI Work?

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Now that you have an idea of what is generative AI, let’s take you through how generative AI works.
Working with generative AI today is a cup of tea for everyone. To utilize generative AI applications, you would need to enter a suitable ‘prompt’. On this note, a prompt is a set of instructions that you can provide in the form of text, image, video, and even musical notes.
Following this, the generative AI platform will provide new content in response to the provided prompt as per the required context. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT or Google Gemini, answer your queries or prompts in a conversational tone aligning closely with the context that you mention in the prompt.
Furthermore, to effectively interpret your prompts and provide accurate results instantly, the two generative AI models provided below play a crucial role.

Transformer Models

Platforms such as Chat Generative Pertained Transformers aka ChatGPT utilize the aspects of what is generative AI to provide outputs based on sequential data like sentences or paragraphs. This model helps the platform to efficiently process the context and why it’s important to generate or translate the text.


The Generative Adversarial Networks or GANs have two neural networks- a Generator and a Discriminator. Both these networks compete with one another, as the former generates an output as per given input. The latter on the other hand verifies the authenticity of the output. After the discriminator determines whether the generated result is real or fake, the generator fine-tunes its result depending on the former’s feedback. This cycle continues until the generator overpowers the discriminator.
Besides Transformers and GANs, developers are using several other techniques and models to work with generative AI. Among them are Variational Autoencoders that also rely on two neural networks to generate new content based on sample data and neural radiance field. This is essential for creating 2D and 3D images.

How can Salesforce Developers Benefit from Generative AI?

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There are diverse ways for Salesforce developers to reap benefits from generative AI as displayed in the points below.

Code Generation

This is one of the popular benefits of what is generative AI for Salesforce users. Coders can work together with training models and codes present in Salesforce’s cloud storage. They can also develop systems that can generate functional code snippets, templates, or application scaffolding. This is essential for a faster software development process and also opens up scope for more strategic and creative aspects of application building.

Generating Texts

With the assistance of natural language understanding models, generative AI to understand, learn, observe, and develop results in the form of texts. For instance, AI models like GPT-4 can seamlessly generate responses aligning closely with the context of human queries with the support of NLU.

Unified Customer Data

Salesforce Data Cloud integrates and consolidates well with customer data from multiple sources to one single platform. Despite accumulating data from several platforms, the Salesforce Data Cloud ensures the records are free from overlapping information and inconsistent data.

Create Images and Videos

Certain generative AI models that come equipped with computer vision features can generate impressive images as per the prompts by the users. By utilizing the benefit of generative AI models like GANS, you can create almost realistic graphic content in very little time. For this, you do not need to have deep coding knowledge. However, you should be aware of the right way to provide appropriate prompts to the Salesforce generative AI platform to develop desirable results.

Ways Generative AI and Salesforce can Revolutionize your Business

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Now that you have an idea of what is generative AI and how it works, check out how Salesforce services can level up your business with generative AI.
The points below will take you through how Salesforce and generative AI can work together to ace your game in the industry.
  • Workflow Automation
    With the benefits of Salesforce generative AI, you do not need to focus on menial and monotonous jobs as the platform has your back. With efficient workflow automation practices, you can prioritize other important tasks and reduce human errors while conducting complicated tasks.
  • Automated Content Creation
    This is the most popular benefit that comes along with what is generative AI and innovative Salesforce services. With the help of generative AI in Salesforce, you can draft emails quickly and efficiently across organization management and also to leads while maintaining a personalized touch.
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  • Better CRM Data Management
    With the knowledge of generative AI explained you can utilize its features to analyze CRM data for better decision making and identifying shifting trends in customer behavior and opportunities.
  • Personalized Customer Experience Tracking
    With the help of Salesforce generative AI insights, you can tailor interaction with leads, customers, and opportunities. This can be a major milestone for your business in terms of achieving loyalty and customer satisfaction.
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  • Better Customer Support
    This is another important benefit of generative AI and Salesforce working together. With the help of generative AI chatbots, your business can provide real-time and accurate responses to customer queries. This helps maintain a transparent relationship and efficiency with customers.
  • Lead Scoring and Prioritization
    With the assistance of what is generative AI and Salesforce features, you can identify and prioritize high-potential leads. Salesforce generative AI uses a unique grading system based on real-time insights to grade leads as per their interest on your services.
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  • Cost Optimization
    This is another benefit of implementing knowledge of what is generative AI within the Salesforce platform. Salesforce services and generative AI work together to assist you in optimizing marketing spending, resource allocation, and operation costs.

Bottom Line

This is everything you would need to know about what is generative AI and the perks of implementing the same within your Salesforce platform.
In a nutshell, Salesforce and generative AI are essential to streamline your day-to-day activities with efficient workflow automation. Generative AI also allows you to work with real-time insights and observe customer behavior more accurately than conventional methods.
Wondering whether generative AI and Salesforce are the right fit for your business? Know from our experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Generative AI seamlessly integrates with Salesforce to improve and streamline CRM functionalities. With this, you can automatically perform repetitive and complex tasks, track and monitor leads, and interact with them better with a personalized approach.
Yes, with AI chatbots and virtual assistants, you can use generative AI within Salesforce to handle a large volume of customer queries efficiently even after working hours.
Generative AI utilizes lead grading systems to prioritize leads, create outreach strategies with a personalized touch, analyze sales data, draft proposals, and provide real-time actionable insights that can help close deals faster.