11 Must know Salesforce Marketing Cloud Features

11 Salesforce Marketing Cloud Features You Must know

In today’s world of frequently changing digital landscape and growing competition, organizations are required to ace up their game in tracking customers and catering to their needs.

Salesforce identifies this requirement for every big and small organization. To meet this end, Salesforce introduces its revolutionary digital marketing platform, Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

If you are planning to level up the digital marketing game of your business, this platform is definitely for you.

For a comprehensive idea of this platform and Salesforce Marketing Cloud features, read till the end.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Overview

The answer lies here if you are wondering what is Salesforce Marketing Cloud and how it is important for your business.
Salesforce marketing cloud features integrate with your customer relationship management system to work as a digital marketing platform. It automates tasks and allows your sales team to create and manage marketing relationships with campaigns.
With Salesforce Marketing Cloud services, your organization can combine all marketing channels into one place. Consequently, your team can enhance their digital marketing practices by sending appropriate messages or ads through the right platform in a personalized manner.
The Salesforce marketing cloud, furthermore, helps enhance customer journey management practices by incorporating integrated solutions on different platforms. This includes social media, content creation, web personalizing, content management, data analysis, email, and mobile marketing.

11 Key Features of Salesforce Marketing Cloud

The points below will take you through 11 noteworthy Salesforce marketing cloud features.

1. Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement
This marketing cloud feature in Salesforce assists your team in managing your business’s social media accounts through a single platform. Additionally, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Services allows your team to engage with customers across major social media platforms.

Owing to these, your team can quickly respond to social posts, manage communities, and deliver excellent customer support services. Besides these, with Salesforce marketing cloud features, your team can also accurately analyze customer data on these platforms, identify trends, and monitor monthly mentions.

2. Mobile App Marketing

Mobile App Marketing
This unique Salesforce marketing cloud feature lets your sales team engage with potential and existing customers with mobile applications to remind them about their upcoming offers. The cloud marketing service also allows your team to utilize geotagging or behavior data to send highly personalized ad campaigns to niche target customer groups.

3.Customer Journey Creation and Management

Customer Journey Creation and Management
This is among the most noteworthy features on the Salesforce Marketing Cloud features list. Using this digital marketing platform by Salesforce, you can design cross-channeled, personalized, and multi-stepped customer journeys. The platform allows you to visualize every stage of this journey that customers cross to ensure successful lead conversion.

Furthermore, you can also opt for AI assistance to conduct automated decision splits and A/B testing. This shall help you execute and launch a bigger campaign.

4. Ad Campaign for Journey Builder

Ad Campaign for Journey Builder
Journey Builder allows customers to drop in automated customer journeys. You can personalize this journey by creating specific categories for ads. You would also need to have access to Advertising Studio to create personalized ads with customers’ data like phone numbers.

Unlike other digital marketing platforms, Salesforce Marketing Cloud’s Journey Builder allows your team to automatically send email and SMS easily. Moreover, they can also add the recipients to respective ad campaigns all through one single screen.

5. Geofencing Mobile Messages

Geofencing Mobile Messages
Salesforce Marketing cloud features also involve Mobile Studio which allows you to communicate with your subscribers and customers via mobile devices.

6. Tailored Email Campaigns

Tailored Email Campaigns
With Salesforce Marketing Cloud features you can launch, market, and analyze your email marketing campaigns. Most importantly, you can track all your email campaigns through one platform easily. Furthermore, you can also use AI tools to customize your campaigns by narrowing down target audience categories. You can also track your email sender score with this platform.

7. Optimized Web Experiences

Optimized Web Experience
Salesforce Web Studio is another marketing cloud feature in Salesforce that looks into the management of customer web experiences. Through this platform, you can create and optimize landing pages, and get a centralized hub to organize all content from forms to coupons. You can also explore several customizable templates to design unique web pages.

8. Structured Query Language

Structured Query Language
With this marketing cloud service feature, an experienced Salesforce Support Engineer can transform and group precise data segments and use them for marketing purposes.

9. Marketing Cloud Connect

Marketing Cloud Connect
As a noteworthy Salesforce marketing cloud feature, Marketing Cloud Connect allows easy sharing of data and brand assets with the sales or service cloud. Marketing Cloud Connect also enables cross-platform functionality features. This allows your team to use Salesforce data directly with AMP Script, which is the marketing cloud’s proprietary scripting language.

10. Dynamic Content Blocks

Dynamic Content Blocks
With Dynamic Content Blocks, you can change email copies and images for individual recipients as per preset rules within a single email. This means you no longer have to create multiple email groups for different email campaigns. With Dynamic Content Blocks, you can conveniently personalize and tailor content within just one email.

11. Interactive Email Forms

Interactive Email Forms
This Salesforce Marketing Cloud feature introduces an email builder that can integrate diverse forms within an email. The best part, your customers would not need to leave the email page to fill up these forms. This is a major step in enhancing customer engagement through email marketing.

Sum Up

To sum up, the above-mentioned Salesforce Marketing Cloud features make this platform a game changer in the ever-evolving digital marketing domain. However, integrating this into your existing CRM can be an overwhelming process. To ensure smooth integration and transition, consider connecting with our Salesforce Marketing Cloud Service experts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the main components of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Services are Email Studio, Audience Studio, Social Studio, Journey Builder, and Datorama.
By getting in touch with expert Salesforce support engineers, you can avail of benefits like free demos, continuous consultations, customization services, training modules, tutorials, and online resources along with the integration of the platform.
Yes, Salesforce Marketing Cloud can be tailored to fit the requirements of small businesses to help your organization witness faster scalability.

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